My First Month



Well I did it, I made it through my first month at Full Sail University.  Call the newspapers and tell the world that I have gone back to school and I am rocking it.

My first month was full of frustrations and revelations.  I felt so behind the times trying to figure out how to use my Mac.  I finally feel a little comfortable with it but still have a way to go.  My teacher was ok, I really don’t know because I didn’t actually ever have a conversation with her.  She seemed pretty nice as did my classmates.

One thing that really turned me inside out and had me questioning my sanity was our online classes called Wimba sessions.  The first one I attended I spent over 30 minutes just trying to actually get into the class.  I would follow the instructions and make it into the class.  Then suddenly I would lose the screen, then the sound and have to start over again.  I was not sure if it was me, the Mac or the platform.  At that moment I wanted to just sit in a corner and cry.  And I started to wonder just what I was doing.

Needless to say I made it through the that session and the rest of the class.  I also made pretty good grades so that is a plus too.

Things I didn’t like about the class:

  1. The time for the Wimba classes.  Because they were held at 7:30pm it was hard to find a quiet spot in my busy house to attend.
  2. That we couldn’t post our comment to the discussion board and comment on someone else’s post the same day.
  3. That I didn’t really connect with anyone in the class and never got comments on my post.

Things I liked about the class:

  1. That the class was about becoming literate with the technology  we would be using throughout our time at Full Sail University.
  2. All the new we tools I discovered and am using on a daily basis.
  3. The projects I got to create and turn in for a grade.  I never thought I would be able to bring all I learned together like I did.

All in all I think I am off to a good start.  I don’t want to bore you too much with school stuff so I am going to stop now.  One post a month about school it plenty.  Fell free to ask me questions or leave comments below.  In the meantime stay positive and learning.



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